Thursday, October 13, 2016

Antara Perkawinan, Berwirausaha, dan Menulis

Antara Perkawinan, Berwirausaha, dan Menulis Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Seorang sahabat lama curhat kepada saya tentang perkawinan. Gara-garanya dia enggak tahan saya tanya terus, “Kapan kamu menyusul kami-kami yang udah married?” Setelah komentar pujian, ucapan terima kasih, pengantar, dan pendahuluan di sana-sini, akhirnya sampai juga ke “isi buku” sebenarnya. Ternyata, sahabat saya ini bukannya tidak ada penggemar berat atau calon pendamping yang serius. Tetapi, hasil bacaan saya lho ya, persoalannya lebih disebabkan oleh beberapa hal yang sepintas tampak sangat sepele.

Rupanya, sahabat ini ragu dengan “dunia rumah tangga” yang tidak dia kenal. Seperti biasa, informasi dari sana-sini begitu memengaruhi. “Ntar kalau sudah punya suami, wah… ribet mengurus anak dan suami,” begitu katanya, sembari membandingkan betapa kenyamanan berlebih yang dia dapat bersama keluarganya. Zona nyaman dan “daerah antah berantah” itu mungkin saja sangat memengaruhi sahabat saya ini, sekalipun saya menduga pastilah ada faktor-faktor lain yang ikut berperan.

Tetapi okelah, apa pun itu faktor-faktor lainnya, saya jadi teringat dengan curh
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Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Dream Comes True

My Dream Comes True Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Teeeeng!!! Bel berbunyi 3 kali, tanda istirahat kedua. Aku mulai menyiapkan buku peminjam, buku pengembalian dan bolpoin di mejaku. Ku hentikan sejenak koneksi internetku, agar pekerjaanku tidak terganggu. Tak lama kemudian mejaku dipenuhi hiruk pikuk suara anak-anak berebut layananku.
“Mba, aku mau pinjam bengkel facebook, yang dipinjem ana kemarin” teriak Budi
Sebelum sempat ku jawab, setumpuk buku IPS sudah ada di meja. “Mba ini dihitung dulu, tadi pinjam 28 kelas VII F” kata Dian
“Iya satu-satu ya.. Budi sabar dulu, bukunya masih di dalem, Dian ini langsung ke rak aja, nanti mau di pakai kelas lain” jawabku cepat, karna msih banyak juga yang usil di ruangnku ini dan butuh peringatanku juga.
“Budi masuk ke ruang mbak Diah, di kotak biru no 2, ambil sendiri, lalu tulis di buku peminjam, kartunya taruh meja saya, oke?”
“Siap mbak!” jawab Budi
“Mbak Diah, di panggil Pak Indra sehabis jam istirahat” kata biyan, anak kelas IX sambil berlalu begitu saja.
“Biyan.. kamu dipeseni siapa?” tanyaku agak keras karn
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

JUST INVEST $20 ........GET $16,308,593,750

The iCharity Club Product Line

iCharity Club has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market iCharity Club affiliate membership itself. This program is auto filling downlines program. You don't search for downline. You just upgrade your account with $20. You will get ads gallery with your name. You just post in Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, adposting sites etc. that's it.

The iCharity Club Compensation Plan

The iCharity Club compensation plan sees affiliates gift $20 to $1670 to existing affiliates, tracked through a 5×10 matrix.
A 5×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix, with five positions directly under them:


These initial five positions form the first level of the matrix, with level 2 generated by splitting each of the five positions into another five positions each (25 positions).

Subsequent levels of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with a complete 5×10 matrix holding 12,207,030 positions.

Each level of the matrix acts as an independent cash gifting tier, requiring payment of a fee to qualify to receive payments at that level.

Below are all ten tiers of the iCharity Club cash gifting matrix:
  • Tier 1 – pay $20 and receive $100
  • Tier 2 – pay $40 and receive $1000
  • Tier 3 – pay $80 and receive $10,000
  • Tier 4 – pay $120 and receive $75,000
  • Tier 5 – pay $200 and receive $625,000
  • Tier 6 – pay $300 and receive $4,687,500
  • Tier 7 – pay $400 and receive $31,250,000
  • Tier 8 – pay $800 and receive $312,500,000
  • Tier 9 – pay $1170 and receive $2,285,156,250
  • Tier 10 – pay $1670 and receive $16,308,593,750

Joining iCharity Club

Affiliate membership with iCharity Club is tied to a minimum gifting payment of $20.
Participation in all ten levels of an iCharity Club gifting matrix costs $4800.

Example Scenario:

  • You just upgraded to Grade 2 and donated USD40 to other member
  • You find 5 new downlines A,B,C,D,E. They are your direct donators Downline Level 1. You will get donation of USD20 from each of them.
  • You find 5 more interested donators, called F G H I J. Because of your Level 1 is already full, system will auto-place them randomly under A,B,C,D,E. (now F G H I J are your Downline Level 2).
  • i- when they are upgrading to Grade 1, your Downline Level 2 (F G H I J) will donate USD20 to your Downline Level 1 (A,B,C,D,E).
  • ii- when they are upgrading to Grade 2, your Downline Level 2 (F G H I J) will donate USD40 to you.
  • This flow continue up to Grade 10. At this point, you can receive donation from all Levels.
  • You are advised to upgrade to the higher level then your downlines to avoid missing donation because we will never know when will our next donator will upgrade his/her grade.